Saturday, September 09, 2006


Business 2.0 may not have the hottest technical coverage of Web 2.0 but because it puts an emphasis on having a new look at the Web business, it does end up covering much Web 2.0 related stories.

Why Web 2.0 Came to Exist

I've speculated about why Web 2.0 exists and what may come after in this little corner. The reasons are simple and ancient.

A Web 2.0 Application Builder

In the last few months, I've been thinking of something like this, but here it is: NING, a Web 2.0 application builder.

I've not tried it but it looks like a large number of others have. "[Ning] allows users to mix and match tools and build their application, the costs fall to zero since Ning hosts the site for nothing. It has about 17,500 applications running on it," says a Financial Times report.

Friday, September 08, 2006

What is Different About Web 2.0

This is what Jay Adelson, CEO of Digg, told a conference (as quoted by Financial Times):

While the companies are benefiting from what they see as a revolution in advertiser behaviour, they are also supported by the fact that the costs of the new companies are lower than they were in the first internet boom. Compared with a decade ago, the cost of computing power has fallen dramatically. “To start a business 10 years ago, something that is so dependent on telecommunications would have certainly been an expensive proposition,” says Adelson. “One in 100 ideas could get funded. Today it costs almost nothing.”

Bebo or Myspace

So, for social networking, will Bebo take over Myspace in "quality" or in "quantity" or neither?

Digg's Business Plan

This is Digg's business plan from a Financial Times report:

Digg’s business plan is to make money from advertising. The reliance on advertising is helped by what some of these entrepreneurs see as a new generation of advertisers. Services such as Google’s Adsense have given people who would not have advertised on the web before a means to do so.

The Public Digg

Yes, the public, to the fear of Kierkegaard, may take over with its opinions. Here, it is from a Financial Times report.

About 4,000-5,000 articles are posted on digg daily. The 450,000 registered users who have created online profiles can vote for – or “digg” – a story they like. They can also press a button to “bury” one they don’t.

Web 2.0

This Financial Times report gives a nice summary of significant trends seen in Web 2.0 technologies.